Saturday, March 23, 2019

Falling in love and Breakup

Falling in love and Breakup

In the prime of life we meet and interact with many persons but strike an instant unexplained liking for & connection with the person. This emotional chord is falling in love.  The ensuing dialogue provides an opportunity to understand the way this person thinks, acts & lives. It also gives an understanding of self. This person preoccupies your thoughts, mind, texts & photographs are exchanged, together do things that interests & brings enjoyment, make compromises, commits emotionally. And then this heartbreak & rough breakup occurs. It hurts but moving on in life is very important. Take a road to recovery as soon as possible. Don’t get trapped in whys? & How? of it. Accept any explanation that fits the fact and keep your self esteem intact. It could be unwillingness to commit, emotional drift or societal pressures. Do not follow the person on social media to deny ex’s presence in your thoughts, list compromises you made not to repeat in future, keep doing things that interest you and brings joy, remove the texts & photographs from social network to erase the reminders of relationship and reach out to friends and make the most of their support. The peculiarities of life must be handled in a way to lead a qualitative life. Move on. Life is precious, do not let it sway.

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