Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Searching for belongingness with strangers on social media.

Today’s interaction on social media (virtual communication) expressing our feelings without any inhibitions, fear of repercussions is gripping majority of us. Why is it so that even while sitting along with few and far less acquaintances we have today, we are busy on our mobiles. It is because we invariably get together with specific reasons and vested interests. It is a fact that we gel together with people with whom we may have some work with at any point of life. Otherwise we are lonely, as practically we do not find any one available when you really want to chat or share. So we opt for social media searching for belongingness with strangers. The anonymous people on social media acknowledge our feelings that makes us feel we are not alone and helps in off loading all that we are going through and make us feel important. This loneliness over a period develops into depression. One may require counseling to get rid of this habit. Contact m-9872880634        

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