Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Partnership is about long association & experiences with an authentic and realistic individual in the intriguing life journey.  Trust and ability to let go nurtures deep friendship. One's own insecurities makes it hard to share own emotions without inhibition leading to lack of emotional connect and commitment. A self -confident & self- respecting human is resilient and designed to survive uncertainty of relationship.

Monday, November 15, 2021


Memories of traumitised past nurtures intense indulgence in blame game and revengeful attitude thus poisons one's psyche. Emotional breakdown makes a person feel lost and helpless A small generous gesture, even by a stranger at this point, has a tremendous impact on one's life. Never be terrified of what you are, respect and love your individuality. Do not permit others' opinion corrupt your mind and compromise own individualism.  Love, compassionate listening, connectedness, patience and conviction to work hard helps wash off the guilt. Be kind and loving, everyone deserves respect and happiness. Engage self creatively, creative flow of ideas manifest itself into courage to imagine refreshingly new way to look at life.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

 Social media is driving today's youngsters to a large extent. Often we find them engaged with social media platforms for work, leisure, entertainment and online interaction with others. Constant usage has caused much disorientation in their lives. The energetic, innovative youth loses physical & emotional humane touch & individuality landing into a void of loneliness. They are compelled to seek interaction online with random strangers that can cause a lot of psychological impact on their mind causing a lot of disturbance in one’s personality.  The increased peer pressure, low self - esteem, constant urge to seek instant gratification, aggression, mismanagement of daily routine, cyber bullying and stalking, impractical expectations & relationship, distraction from reality, irregular behaviour, sleep disorder etc. is leading to unwarranted fears & stress, anxiety &  depression affecting their mental health.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Adolescence is the period of testing one’s boundaries, discovery, learning, physical and emotional development. The competition, uncertainties, insecurity, lack of coping skills necessary to deal with issues they face and feeling unsettled stresses them to the extent that their angst turns into anxiety. Listen & value their thoughts/opinion without judgement, empathise with their struggle of growing up, acknowledge their fears, take interest in finding & doing together things they enjoy.   

Thursday, November 4, 2021

 Life is an existence, revere it. Live it as joyful experience by ‘doing’ instead of merely ‘complaining’. Rudyard Kipling said "I prefer to believe the best of everybody, it saves so much trouble". There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and gift solitude to self to find harmony and balance. Each one of us has own share of insecurities that make us deal with ups & downs in different ways. Reinvent & challenge your potential. One’s vision, belief in self and hard work helps one fructify own dreams.