Monday, March 29, 2021

Love self and make peace with the reality. It is inevitable to face criticism at some point of time in your life journey. Embracing your vulnerability is difficult but opening up about it is always rewarding. Extreme & unhealthy possessiveness on account of your deep rooted insecurities generates unwarranted fear of loss. Intolerance & jealousy exhibited due to the possessive nature, to one’s appreciation of others restricts much needed own space, generates feeling of guilt and thus is a matter of concern as it results in mental torture, verbal or physical abuse & endless sulking.  


Friday, March 26, 2021


Indifference is sign of slow drift away and results in creating distance between individuals. One must appreciate & acknowledge the support and trust without any self-doubts.  A counselor helps relive painful memories without a black and white perspective facilitating the individual make judgment of own before taking a final call to come to terms with the situation one finds self in.

There will likely be times in your life when your soul evolves more quickly than your circumstances. Your subconscious mind may be ready to move forward long before you recognize that you are destined to embrace a new way of life. Your soul intuitively understands that changing habitats can be a vital part of the growth process and that there may be one part of you that is eager to move to another home, another state, or another plane of existence. But the ties that bind you to your current mode of being can make moving into this next stage of your life more challenging than it has to be. If you find it difficult to move on, consider that just as people in your life may come and go, your role in others’ lives may also be temporary. And many of the conditions that at first seemed favorable served you for a short time. When you are ready to match your situation to your soul, you will find that you feel a new sense of harmony .


Feedback Couple CounsellingWent quite great , he is not in denial anymore. Thankyou maam! You were a great supportšŸ„‡


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Be grateful for the love and support in life. Nurture relationship via transparent communication devoid of own insecurities which lead to clashes and misunderstanding. Discuss your concerns in person when experience overwhelming feeling of disillusionment which ruins your peace of mind. Avoid tendency to respond instantly to provocation and heated exchange of words.  Do not keep grumbling and complaining to save your energy and time. None other than you has absolute power to change.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Disciplinary complacency and insincerity disenchants an individual. Fearless expression of matters of fair play and parity in your struggle of tasting the humiliation of failure and fragile success gives you insight into mind of your own that critically engages with the need for reflection on the constant struggle with harsh reality. It enables you mellow down to appreciate the gratification associated with the simplicity and spontaneity of life. Individual adapt at articulating the significance of observation makes one self-assured.


Candidate’s ordeal of a Job Interview – as narrated by candidate

It’s a bright sunny morning and the day began with a positive mindset, a smile on the face & roaring with full confidence to give best shot at a walk-in interview for a job. You prepare yourself to outshine, competing against other candidates. You really want this job. You are eager to learn something new, gain an experience. But what happens in reality is totally different.

You reach the venue of interview around 12:30 pm and find a herd of candidates, just like you. You get anxious already but you’re not afraid. You are calm, composed, take a deep breath and start off with regular Covid-19 precautionary protocols of temperature check and sanitizing hands. You walk through the doors of institute. You notice people are wearing masks but not following social distancing protocol.

You fill up the form, write in your details, answer questions asked and submit it. Once you have done with this, you wait for your turn. It is 1:00 pm. You are observing the surroundings, looking at your phone, whiling away your time. You see chaos; the concerned teachers are running here and there, shouting names and carrying candidate’s forms in not so orderly manner. There is no specific waiting room for candidates. It is evident that nothing is managed properly.

Quietly sitting unlike others who are constantly bickering about the system and life, you’re patiently waiting for your turn. It is 2:00 pm. Feeling hungry and thirsty you wonder what’s taking so long for your turn. You’re already bored of listening to unnecessary rants of people around you, constantly criticising everything. So you go for a walk in the corridor to talk about your ordeal to your parents. They make you understand, tell you to remain at ease and just wait. It is 2:30 pm.

You’re finally called and guess what you are told to sit in some another room. It is 3:30 pm; almost every candidate’s turn is over, while you wait without asking anyone, another hour of your patience test. Somehow you gather courage to inquire about your turn since the organisers are least bothered whether you exist or not. A female dominated area will obviously pay less attention to a male. Apparently your form has been misplaced and the teacher totally unaware is roaming here and there.  The organiser, in this confusion gives you a shock by telling you to fill up a new form.  You question their responsibility, and somehow in the meanwhile your lost form is found. You are relieved. It is 3:45 pm. Your interview starts and some basic questions and you’re free in 5-7 minutes in the 1st round. Enter the second round, interaction with another person, principal or someone else, gets over in exactly 2 minutes with the communication Quote “Thank you for coming, shortlisted names will be called again, you may leave’’ Unquote.  What a day? By the way, few days ago, in some other previous job recruitment exercise, the institute made you fill a form and charged a hefty amount for a single sheet of paper and hasn’t called you yet for an interaction. 

Friday, March 12, 2021


An optimist, modern, vivacious & strong headed character generally exudes self-confidence, resolve and independence of thoughts. Impulsive reaction some times result in the character take unwise decision that he/she regrets later.  The character sets onto the path of self discovery in an attempt to find own identity & purpose of life. The individual starts questioning own credibility and is engulfed by self depreciating emotions. Be alarmed it is the onset of depression. Psychologist & psychotherapist helps you release and restructure emotions, deal with internal conflict and take positive actions to maintain good mental health. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

The disparity and prejudices around are challenges one faces to dream and decide.One’s fears and inhibitions curtail the choices to desire & live the way one wants. Insecurities hamper love and relationships, create your own identity. Look for support and inspiration it helps to follow dreams.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Importance of Counselling for Examination phobia.

Covid-19 forced introduction of online teaching. Leisure time spent by children on devices adversely affected mental health in some. Their daily routine like sleep, eating habit and rejuvenation schedules like exercise regimen & playing outdoors got hampered. This resulted in children having less curiosity to learn, lower self control, bad temper & lower emotional stability. Now examination time is around the corner and the thought “what if the results are not as expected” grips and stresses the mind. This thought distracts the focus on studies. The emotional response in such a situation at times is nasty and violent behaviour. The individual starts exhibiting mood swings, social isolation from friends & family members, hopelessness, helplessness, anger, anxiety and over indulgence in alcohol/drug abuse. The mind needs to calm down, be optimistic and visualise a positive outcome to distract self from the immediate scenario that has generated this stressful thought. The child feels safe to express feelings uninhibitedly without fear of being judged & stigmatised in an interaction with Counsellor. A professional counsellor helps the child re-evaluate, reconsider opinions, plan and prioritise time for studies and end up learning adaptive much needed healthier coping mechanisms to deal with examination stress.