Sunday, November 29, 2020

 Truth & honesty are a must trait to keep bitterness & mistrust at bay in a relationship. Confronting partner calmly duly maintaining composure while discussing an incident affecting communication & creating rift in trust facilitates him/her express own views & perspective without loosing cool and getting into defensive mood leading to arguments. Positive interaction without looking for validation rather than being judgmental & acute loneliness motivates a person to repair what is lacking. Ego does not take a person anywhere it only destroys the sense of gratitude & happiness.       

Sunday, November 22, 2020


In an Endeavour seeking independent space to craft own life the child seeks to distance self from parents. Parents grilling about personal plan for life, friends, routine habits create inter-generational tension because of different set of ideas about freedom to voice own opinion & widen horizon. Parents intrusion into child’s mental space at times proves challenging. Adapt & adjust, things need to change with grown up child. The turmoil associated with distressing situation generates feeling of apprehension, nervousness within, fear and anxiety. It puts one at unease and lowers one’s self confidence, mandatory to handle calmly the rapidly changing circumstances beyond control.

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Awarding self for each and every achievement, how so ever small, reiterates one’s faith in his/her efforts to chase dreams with passion. Overconfidence hastens the fading away of one’s sense of adventure. Feeling of belongingness and sense of warmth helps one turn inwards to know the limitations and draw inspiration to continue one’s pursuit.

Monday, November 16, 2020

 The unpredictable twists & turns in life make one happy, anxious, angry & sad. The agony associated with the conflicts, haphazard turn of events experienced in the journey to achieve one’s dream steals the smile on face and warmth in the heart. A dialogue with a Counselor, a trusted friend who listens & understands your psychic stress, helps you learn & unlearn, regain confidence and evolve.   

Monday, November 9, 2020

 Every moment is a fresh beginning. Failure can put down an immensely creative person but cannot break one who is fearless in making choices that may prove to be bad because no one can predict success or failure. Never loose heart.

Sunday, November 8, 2020


Partner gets upset frequently & sulks endlessly without telling reason it is a negative behavioural trait that hurts and takes a toll on mental health. An individual’s conflicting thoughts do not let one know exactly what one is looking for and results in unpredictable mood swings. In order to safeguard self from feeling responsible for other’s emotional immaturity and carry guilt of ending relationship, you need to talk, give a genuine try and explain self clearly before making a choice.     

Friday, November 6, 2020

Frequently checking messages and updates on social media you are obsessed with your smart phone. You are reconnecting with old and making new friends but it is no substitute for real interaction in person. The overindulgence rather than moderate use is at the cost of meaningful activities that are relaxing and brings in peace.    


Thursday, November 5, 2020

One starts questioning own credibility and is engulfed by self depreciating emotions because of loss of an opportunity for which he/she worked hard whole heartedly. Be alarmed it is the onset of depression. Talk to self about your strengths as often as you can. Speak to Psychologist & psychotherapist who shall facilitate release and restructure of emotions, deal with internal conflict and advise positive actions to maintain good mental health. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


Hope amid despair brings in refreshing qualitative change. The conviction, creative zeal, spirit of rebelliousness, radical experimentation and boundless energy of brilliant young mind that has dreams is bound to succeed.